
A Kenyan tribe’s search for its leader’s stolen skull

In the heart of Kenya, amidst the sweeping savannahs and lush landscapes, a compelling narrative unfolds—a story of cultural heritage, identity, and the quest for justice. This tale revolves around the search for the stolen skull of Koitalel arap Samoei, a revered leader of the Nandi people. Koitalel arap Samoei, a prominent figure in Nandi history, was a courageous and strategic leader who…
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A Cossack from Djibouti: How a Russian con man founded a colony in Africa-RT News

135 years ago, a Russian expedition sailed to Africa to establish a settlement in Abyssinia Exclusive News Over the past couple of years, Russia has been increasing cooperation with African countries both in the economic and military sectors. This year, Moscow and Khartoum finally made progress on anagreementon constructing a Russian naval base in Port Sudan on the Red Sea…
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Top EU diplomat can’t hide his racist worldview – Lavrov-RT News

While criticizing Moscow, Josep Borrell predictably insulted Africa, Russia’s foreign minister said The Russian Foreign Minister clears speaks without fear that the European and American interest in Africa its clearly an insult to Africa as the Rusian Minister highlights some traits of racism in American interest in Africa. Exclusive News DismissingAfrican countries as easy to…
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74th Nakba amid anger over journalist’s killing in Palestine- Al Jazeera

Solemn anniversary comes at a time when many are angered by the killing of Al Jazeera veteran journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. Violence is intensifying in Gaza as the United States opens its new embassy in Jerusalem, a convergence of current politics and long-simmering tensions in the region. Israeli forces opened fire on demonstrators, killing dozens and wounding hundreds more Exclusive…
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Harvard University acknowledges history of slavery and eugenics-RT News

Ivy League school vows to earmark $100mn to make amends for ties to slavery The US most decorated University admits of practicing slavery and eugenics which was increasingly discredited as unscientific and racially biased during the 20th century, especially after the adoption of its doctrines by the Nazis in order to justify their treatment of Jews, disabled people, and other minority…
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