
Gambia’s parliament upholds ban on female genital mutilation

Gambia’s parliament has upheld a ban on female genital mutilation (FGM), marking a significant step forward in the country’s efforts to protect women’s rights and health. This legislative action reflects a growing recognition of the harmful effects of FGM and the need for social change. Key Points: Legislative Context: The ban reinforces existing laws aimed at eradicating FGM…
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Sierra Leone bans child marriage

Sierra Leone’s decision to ban child marriage marks a significant step forward in protecting the rights and well-being of its young population. This West African nation has long grappled with high rates of child marriage, where girls as young as 11 or 12 have been forced into marriages against their will, often to much older men. This practice not only robs these girls of their childhood but…
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Boosting Air Traffic between Russia and Tanzania: A Strategic Opportunity

Air travel has long been a bridge between distant cultures, facilitating not only tourism but also business and diplomatic relations. The potential for increasing air traffic between Russia and Tanzania presents a unique opportunity for both nations. By enhancing connectivity, they can tap into economic benefits, cultural exchange, and strengthen bilateral ties. This article explores the strategic…
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Tanzania opens first hazard warning center

Tanzania has made a significant leap in disaster management and mitigation by opening its first hazard warning center. This center is designed to enhance the country’s capacity to monitor, predict, and respond to natural and human-made hazards, ultimately aiming to protect lives, property, and the environment. Background Tanzania, located in East Africa, is prone to various natural…
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What’s fueling the deadly cholera outbreak in Southern Africa

The deadly cholera outbreak currently ravaging Southern Africa is fueled by a combination of factors, including inadequate infrastructure, climate change, socio-political instability, and strained health systems. These elements create a perfect storm for the rapid spread and severe impact of the disease. 1. Inadequate Water and Sanitation Infrastructure One of the primary drivers of the…
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US Sanctions Has Being A Double-edged Sword For Zimbabwe

US sanctions on Zimbabwe have long been a contentious issue, sparking debates about their efficacy and consequences. While initially implemented with the intention of addressing human rights abuses and fostering democratic reforms, these sanctions have evolved into a double-edged sword for the country, impacting both its government and its people in complex ways. On one edge of the blade…
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Eritrea persecuted relatives of military draft dodgers – HRW- Aljazeera

The rights group said authorities arbitrarily detained or expelled relatives of those who evaded forced military conscription from their homes. Breaking News Eritrea has punished the family members of thousands of alleged draft evaders during a conscription drive intended to bolster its military campaign in neighbouring Ethiopia, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday. Women as old as 71 were…
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