
Zimbabwe To Conduct Inaugural Economic Census

Zimbabwe is set to embark on its first-ever Economic Census, marking a significant milestone in its efforts to gather comprehensive data on the country’s economic landscape. Scheduled to commence soon, this census aims to provide detailed and accurate information about various sectors of Zimbabwe’s economy, including agriculture, industry, services, and informal sectors. The…
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Desperate Zimbabweans Crossing The Zambian Border For Cheaper Healthcare And Medicines

In recent months, Zimbabweans have increasingly crossed the border into Zambia in search of more affordable healthcare and medicines, highlighting a growing healthcare crisis in Zimbabwe and the challenges faced by its citizens. Healthcare Crisis in Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe has been grappling with a severe healthcare crisis characterized by shortages of essential medicines, equipment, and…
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The hidden dangers of Zimbabwe’s informal savings clubs

In Zimbabwe, informal savings clubs, known as “mukando” or “mukando bureaux,” have long been a traditional means of pooling resources among communities. These clubs typically involve members contributing regular savings into a communal fund, which is then disbursed periodically to individual members, often on a rotating basis. While these clubs serve as a vital financial…
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Putin holds talks with leader of sanctioned African state

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently engaged in high-level talks with the leader of a sanctioned African state, highlighting Russia’s strategic interests and diplomatic efforts in Africa despite international sanctions. These discussions underscore the evolving geopolitical dynamics and Russia’s determination to strengthen ties with African nations, many of which are similarly…
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Majority of people in Zimbabwe threatened by hunger

Zimbabwe is currently facing a severe hunger crisis, with a majority of its population threatened by food insecurity and malnutrition. This dire situation is a culmination of various factors, including economic challenges, climate change, poor agricultural practices, and political instability. The consequences of this crisis are profound, affecting millions of Zimbabweans and exacerbating poverty…
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US Sanctions Has Being A Double-edged Sword For Zimbabwe

US sanctions on Zimbabwe have long been a contentious issue, sparking debates about their efficacy and consequences. While initially implemented with the intention of addressing human rights abuses and fostering democratic reforms, these sanctions have evolved into a double-edged sword for the country, impacting both its government and its people in complex ways. On one edge of the blade…
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Is Emmerson Mnangagwa Building a Political Dynasty in Zimbabwe?

The question of whether President Emmerson Mnangagwa is building a political dynasty in Zimbabwe is a matter of ongoing debate and speculation. Mnangagwa, who came to power in November 2017 following the ousting of long-time leader Robert Mugabe, has been consolidating his grip on power and reshaping Zimbabwe’s political landscape since assuming office. There are several factors that…
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