
Zimbabwe’s newly introduced gold backed currency

In a significant move to stabilize its economy, Zimbabwe recently introduced a new currency, the Zimbabwean gold coin, aimed at curbing inflation and providing a more stable medium of exchange. This development comes as part of broader efforts by the government and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) to address the country’s ongoing economic challenges.

Background and Introduction

Zimbabwe has faced severe economic difficulties over the past two decades, marked by hyperinflation, currency instability, and a lack of foreign exchange. The introduction of the gold coin, known as the “Mosi-oa-Tunya” coin, named after the indigenous name for Victoria Falls, is intended to restore confidence in the financial system and provide a hedge against inflation.

Features of the Gold Coin

  1. Intrinsic Value: Unlike the previously issued Zimbabwean dollar, which suffered from rapid devaluation, the gold coin has intrinsic value based on its gold content. This is intended to provide a more stable store of value for the public.
  2. Usability: The coins can be used for transactional purposes, savings, and investments. They are available to the public and institutional investors, both domestically and internationally.
  3. Redemption and Trade: The gold coins can be traded locally and internationally. They can also be redeemed for cash at market value, which fluctuates based on the global price of gold.

Economic Context

Zimbabwe’s economy has been plagued by hyperinflation, with prices doubling every few months at times. This has eroded public confidence in the local currency and led to widespread use of foreign currencies, particularly the US dollar and the South African rand. The introduction of the gold coin is part of a broader monetary policy aimed at stabilizing the economy and reducing reliance on foreign currencies.

Government Strategy

The RBZ has emphasized that the gold coins are part of a multi-faceted strategy to stabilize the economy. This includes measures to control inflation, manage liquidity, and rebuild trust in the financial system. By offering a reliable store of value, the government hopes to encourage savings and investment in local assets, reducing the demand for foreign currency and stabilizing the exchange rate.

Reception and Challenges

The introduction of the gold coin has been met with mixed reactions. While some see it as a positive step towards stabilizing the economy, others are skeptical about its impact given the deep-seated structural issues facing Zimbabwe. Key challenges include ensuring adequate gold reserves to back the currency, preventing illicit trade, and building public trust in the new monetary instrument.


Zimbabwe’s introduction of the gold coin represents an innovative approach to tackling its economic challenges. While it remains to be seen how effective this measure will be in the long term, it marks a significant attempt by the government to restore monetary stability and confidence in the national currency. The success of this initiative will largely depend on the government’s ability to maintain fiscal discipline, manage gold reserves effectively, and address underlying economic issues.

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